The Plight of Orphaned Children
Orphaned and abandoned children, particularly those raised in institutions, navigate a host of social, psychological, and economic difficulties. These children frequently struggle with emotional instability, disrupted cognitive development, and altered personality traits, underscoring the need for robust systems of care and support to secure their health and wellbeing.
By Abhigyan/Abhinav
Children who lose their parents due to death, abandonment, or other circumstances are categorised as Orphaned and Abandoned Children (OAC). Tragically, the population of these vulnerable children is growing at an alarming rate worldwide, reflecting a pressing global humanitarian crisis. The latest estimates indicate that India has around 20 million orphaned children, a figure that underscores the critical urgency of addressing child welfare and support systems in the country.
The future of OACs often hinges on a range of possibilities: adoption into loving families, care by extended relatives, life on the streets, or placement in institutional care. The latter, now more commonly referred to as juvenile homes instead of orphanages, is typically seen as a last resort. However, research has shed light on the multifaceted challenges faced by institutionalised children, including the negative psychological and emotional impacts of early separation from parental care. Studies reveal that children who endure neglect or trauma during their formative years are more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour and other maladaptive tendencies later in life.
Orphans, particularly those raised in institutions, often encounter a host of social, psychological, and economic difficulties. These children frequently struggle with emotional instability, disrupted cognitive development, and altered personality traits stemming from their challenging experiences. Research suggests that the intellectual development of children in institutional settings is particularly at risk. Due to overcrowded conditions and a lack of personalised care, brain development can become delayed, especially during the critical early years of life.
The Crucial Need for Research
The death or absence of a parent significantly affects every aspect of a child’s life, from their physical health and nutrition to their emotional and social well-being. The question arises: does institutional care, despite its limitations, provide a better alternative to life on the streets or within unstable familial arrangements? Does it offer safety, stability, or an environment conducive to the holistic development of a child?
Addressing these questions is critical, as the loss of a parent is a major risk factor for developing psychosocial issues in children. Research has shown that children who experience the death of a parent are twice as likely to develop psychiatric disorders compared to those with both parents alive.
To better understand these dynamics, a comparative study has been undertaken to analyse the IQ, personality, and adjustment levels of children growing up in institutional care versus those raised by their parents. This research is unique in its approach, as it compares children from similar socio-economic backgrounds with comparable access to education, thereby isolating the impact of parental and institutional care on their development.
While institutional care is often seen as a last resort, improving the quality of care in these settings could help mitigate some of the disadvantages faced by OACs. Ensuring adequate resources, better management, and a nurturing environment can significantly enhance the developmental outcomes for these children.
The State of an Orphan
Traditionally, an orphan is defined as a child who has lost both parents. However, the definition has evolved to include children abandoned by their parents or those whose parents are unwilling or unable to provide care. UNICEF defines an orphan as a child who has lost one or both parents or whose parents have permanently abandoned them. This broader definition reflects the diverse and complex circumstances under which children may become orphans.
A Historical Perspective on Orphanages in India
The history of orphanages in India dates back to 1891, when Hakim Ajmal Khan, a visionary educationist, freedom fighter, and renowned Unani medicine practitioner, established a shelter home for orphaned boys. This initiative later expanded to a haveli in the Matai Mahal alley near the historic Jama Masjid, laying the foundation for institutional care in the country.
According to a study conducted by SOS Children’s Villages, an international charity, approximately 4% of India’s child population—about 20 million children—are orphans. Data from the 3rd National Family Health Survey (2005-06) and the Indian Census corroborate this finding. States like Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh, account for a significant proportion of orphaned children under 18, with the eastern region (comprising Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, and West Bengal) also reporting high numbers, far exceeding those in northern and western regions.
Causes of Orphanhood and Abandonment
HIV/AIDS remains one of the largest contributors to the orphan crisis globally. In 2014, statistics showed that every 15 seconds, a child lost a parent to AIDS-related conditions. In India, over two million children were orphaned due to AIDS, highlighting the pandemic’s far-reaching impact. Sub-Saharan Africa, however, bears the brunt of this crisis, with even higher numbers of orphaned children due to AIDS.
Poverty is another significant cause of abandonment, as many families are unable to provide food, shelter, and care for their children. This is not due to a lack of parental affection but rather a dire shortage of resources needed to meet basic needs. The harsh realities of economic deprivation often force parents to make heart-wrenching decisions, leaving children vulnerable and abandoned.
Difficult Adoption Process
India’s adoption framework has long been hindered by a lack of streamlined and accessible processes. The Hindu Maintenance and Adoption Act provided some clarity as an alternative form of care for children needing protection, but it remains one of the few laws addressing adoption in detail. This has led to reluctance among families to come forward for adoption, resulting in declining numbers in both domestic and international adoptions.
War and Natural Calamities
Armed conflicts and natural disasters are substantial causes of orphanhood. The 2011 Haiti earthquake, for instance, left over 300,000 children without parental care. Ongoing conflicts in regions like Gaza, Ukraine and Syria further add to the crisis, though exact figures remain elusive. In India, internal armed conflicts have led to children being directly targeted, recruited as child soldiers, and exposed to abuse and exploitation. Coupled with the devastating effects of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, these conditions exacerbate the plight of vulnerable children.
Psychological Impacts of Parental Loss: Insights from Experts
Dr Rushi Tamanna, Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Clinical Psychology, Centre of Excellence in Mental Health, ABVIMS-Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, highlights the importance of the parent-child relationship as a source of stability in a child’s life. This bond acts as an anchor, providing permanence amidst life’s uncertainties. Attachment theory underscores the critical early years of life when trust and attachment bonds are formed, laying the foundation for intellectual and emotional growth. These bonds enable children to develop coping mechanisms, self-reliance, and the capacity to form future relationships.
Dr Vandana V. Prakash, Senior Consultant, Clinical Psychologist at Max Super Specialist Hospital, notes that love and affection from biological parents are foundational for personality development. Parents create the physical, psychological, and intellectual environment for their children, influencing their goals, values, and overall growth. The loss of parents can lead to emotional distress, including confusion, anxiety, and depression. In the absence of family support, children may exhibit symptoms such as poor academic performance, behavioural issues, and social withdrawal.
Impact of Institutionalisation
Institutional care often fails to replicate the warmth and personal attention of a family environment, posing unique challenges to a child’s development. Dr Tamna explains that the feeling of being unloved can begin as early as infancy. Without the necessary emotional support, children in institutions may struggle with trust, confidence, and social adjustment. The lack of orientation in these settings can further amplify feelings of confusion, helplessness, and fear, leading to prolonged psychological and emotional distress.
Dr Manisha Yadav, senior child specialist, New Delhi observes that while research has identified socio-demographic factors linked with institutionalisation, fundamental aspects such as the child’s orientation to their new environment are often overlooked. Children placed in institutions must be educated about their placement and relationship to the care system. Providing anticipatory guidance can help children make sense of their surroundings, validate their experiences, and reduce feelings of anxiety and confusion.
Education and counselling that help children interpret their circumstances and adapt to their environment can significantly mitigate the negative impacts of institutionalisation. While adoption into stable homes is the most ideal solution, it is not always feasible. Thus, countries and cultures must invest in scientifically backed interventions tailored to their specific contexts.
Institutionalisation represents an atypical and challenging rearing environment that increases the risk of atypical development. The focus must be on creating opportunities for optimal development through robust support systems and research-driven interventions. Only then can society ensure the well-being of orphaned and abandoned children, allowing them to lead fulfilling lives despite their challenging circumstances.