Exercise A Way To Healthy Long Life




There are a variety of exercise or physical activities one can choose from, including in a
hobby for eg-
gardening , enrolling yourself in a sport activity like- badminton, golf etc.
or picking up one or the other form of following aerobic exercises- swimming,
brisk walk, cycling, skipping rope, hiking, dance etc…….








It’s important to remember that we have evolved from nomadic ancestors who spent all their time moving around in search of food and shelter, travelling large distances on a daily basis. Our bodies are designed and have evolved to be regularly active.
Over time people to develop problems if they sit down all day at a desk or in front of the TV and minimize the amount of exercise they do.
These are many benefits of regular exercise and maintaining fitness and these include-
Exercise increases energy levels.
Exercise improves muscle strength.
Exercise improves brain function.
Exercise is good for your heart.
Regular exercise lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Exercise enhances your immune system.
Staying active reduces the likelihood of developing some degenerative bone diseases.
Exercise may help to reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Active people tend to sleep better.
Exercise improves your mood and gives you an improved sense of well- being.
Exercise can help prevent and treat mental illnesses like depression.
Keeping fit can reduce some of the effects of aging.
Recover better from period of hospitalized or bed rest.
Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls if you’re an older adult.
Increase your chances of living longer.
Hip fracture is a serious health condition that can have life changing negative effects, especially if you’re an older adult. But research shows that people who do 120 to 300 minutes of least moderate. Intensity aerobic activity each weak have a lower risk of hip fracture.
Regular physical activity helps with arthritis and other conditions affecting the joints.
Regular physical activity can help keep your thinking, learning and judgment skills sharp as you age.
It can also reduce your risk of depression and may help you sleep better.
When you are not physically active, you are more at risk for:-
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
Physical activity and nutrition work together for better health being active increases the amount of calories burned. As people age their metabolism slows so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating less.
Balance and stretching activities enhance physical stability and flexibility. This reduces risk of injuries. Eg are gentle stretching, dancing, yoga, martial arts etc.
Muscle- strengthening activities make your muscles stronger. These include activities like push- ups and lifting weights. It is important to work all the different parts of the body your legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders and arms.
These a variety of exercise or physical activities one can choose from, including in a hobby for eg- gardening , enrolling yourself in a sport activity like- badminton, golf etc. or picking up one or the other form of following aerobic exercises- swimming, brisk walk, cycling, skipping rope, hiking, dance etc.
Exercise is as important to health as proper nutrition. When exercising, it becomes even more important to have a good diet to ensure that the body is getting all the necessary.

(The author is Naturopathologist Ex Civil Aviation Minister, Govt of India)

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